Every time I post, I'm thinking, "wow Kyla, you should try to post a little more often." It hasn't happened yet! Sorry for the delay! This past week, we have all been a little under the weather. Greg started it, then I got it, then Madi...and we followed up with Will this weekend. We like to share the LOVE around here! No kidding......EVERY TIME I plan to do something by myself, somebody gets sick. About ~6weeks ago, a friend mentioned to me about taking a concealed carry class...an all ladies class at that! So guess what, I signed up and the class was Saturday! Thanks Cecily for the recommendation and getting us to go! What made it more fun is that several of my girlfriends went too! When I signed up, I was like....ummm...I'm not sure if this is for me and to be quite honest, I was nervous. The only reason I didn't chicken out is b/c I knew my friends were going too! I think Greg might of taken me out once when we were dating to shoot his shotgun..but that's it...I've never shot a handgun. The extent of my shooting capabilities goes about as far as shooting a bb gun with Madi...I even know how to load and cock that thing all by myself! LOL!! I think up until last Tuesday I was trying to mentally block the fact that I was going to be taking this class on Tuesday. Greg had been after me to make a decision about purchasing a handgun and "I wasn't ready"...trust me, we looked everywhere and I've held more guns that I've ever wanted. The gun I really wanted, you can't find it ANYWHERE so I finally settled on a Taurus slim 9mm. Greg went and picked it up on Tuesday...I guess I'm still in denial b/c I'm thinking to myself " I'm not shooting that thing". Then he says " put your coat on..were going to shoot this gun" and I'm like " oh,crap...ahhhhhhh!!" I don't know what was shaking harder, my hands or my knees! I did it though and overcame my fear. I think I was worried that it would hurt my baby hand and kick back too hard! Saturday rolled around and I made it to class at 9am( all my friends showed and I even knew some other peeps in the class too!) It was a rather large class, but it went very smooth. The instructor was super funny and he really made the day go by fast. The first time I even looked at my watch, it was 1pm! I couldn't believe it! We soon left to go to the " shooting range" and the nerves kicked in again! Luckily, I was in the "2nd" group so I didn't have to shoot first. It did calm me down to watch the others so I would know what to expect. I did well and qualified! When I went to take down my little target sheet, I was like "Yeah, who's yo mama!!"...that's till I saw my friend Vanessa's who was next to me. Let me just say Vanessa is the "mama" cause she did great...I think all her shots were on target. Don't get in her way, cause she can shoot you!! HA! We then went back to the class and took our test....then we got our certificates and we were on our way..we left at 6pm. It really was a fun day and I felt like when I left there that I could easily shoot someone breaking in my house w/o injuring myself! I hope I'm never in that situation, but better to be prepared! So now that I've passed, I've got to go and get finger printed and all that good stuff so I can get my permit....then I'll officially be a "gun toting mama!!" Kudos to Greg who took care of our sick baby Will all day on Saturday by himself! I felt bad for not being there, but I really think it ended up being good for both of them! :-) Madi hung out ( got spoiled rotten) with my Aunt Twy, Cousin Lizzy and Mimi. They hit up the tanger outlets in Mebane to have a "girls day" and celebrate Lizzy's B-day! Sunday was low key, we stayed home from church to make sure Will was feeling better. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and so by the afternoon, we had to get out and get some fresh air. I needed to get a few things from whole foods so we decided to walk around the block ( 9th street) before grocery shopping. It did us all some good and we actually landed upon this cute little "soda" shop on 9th street where the kids enjoyed an old fashioned chocolate milkshake. Madi said it was awesome! As I was loading the groceries in the car I was like "oh no, I forgot to buy french toast sticks in the freezer section". Will had a meltdown in whole foods and I just made a mad dash for the checkout. My mom was with us and she was like I knew that there was either a pterodactyl in the store or Will was screaming...so she found her way to the front too so we could leave! Hence the reason I forgot the french toast sticks. Mimi had a bright idea for me to "make my own' so we stopped by another fav store "kings red and white" and picked up some challah bread to make french toast. Just so you don't embarrass yourself like I did, it's pronounced "holla"...like gangsta style "holla in the fisher house" not CHA-LA!! I took a few pics below and I think it turned out rather well! I'll include a few quick directions below if anyone wants to try it! So...that's a wrap on our weekend. On to another busy week! I'll leave you with a clip of today's devotion from "Jesus Calling by Sarah Young" I love this book ..thanks to Twy!
March 11th: Walk by Faith, NOT by sight. As you take steps of faith, depending on Me, I will show you how much I can do for you. Check out these verses: 2 Corinthians 5:7 & Galatians 5:25 Enjoy!

Here's the deal with the french toast: Get you some "HOLLA" bread and slice it pretty thick. Take a 9x13 dish and whisk together 4 eggs, 3/4 cup milk ,1 or 2 tsp vanilla; cinnamon & nutmeg to taste. Get your pan hot with a little butter then reduce heat to medium. Dip bread in mixture ( both sides) and transfer to hot pan. Brown on both sides and put on a baking sheet. Eat immediately or cool to room temperature and place pan directly in your freezer ( do not cover bread) This is called flash freezing. Keep in freezer until bread is just frozen. Take out of freezer and place in gallon freezer bag. Doing this flash freeze step prevents your toast from sticking together in the bag..... now you can pull a single piece out and place in the toaster and it will taste just like you made it fresh. It's so good topped with a little whipped cream and some fresh strawberries. My kids LOVE it! Thanks to Mimi for the idea...no more bought frozen french toast sticks!

Not quite sure why I decided to take a pic of my fridge?? It always looks like a HOT mess..notice 3 different sippy cups..on different shelf's?!?! Oh yeah and notice the dukes mayo in the fridge door and on a shelf...like how do we get 2 things opened at the same time???
My friend Maria looks like a PRO...another gun toting MAMA!!
Practicing my aim!
Yeah...who's you MAMA!!!!
random photo...look at Buddy's tongue!
Yes, I'll take one of each!
Just a few funnies!
Enjoy your week! Hugs-Kyla
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