Saturday was the first "Easter Egg Hunt" of the season. This one was at our church and we had a great time! Will was a little cranky b/c the egg hunt didn't start till 2pm...and of course he would NOT take a nap before! It was somewhat my fault b/c we left home early to help set up the food and stuff. Once it was time for the activities to begin, Will just wanted to crawl under the food table and hang-out there! He got better once we went outside to hunt eggs and at first he was like what's all the fuss about and then he quickly caught on. He found a sucker and after that he was done! The cupcakes were enjoyed by all! Of course we had a fun time making them....Madi is falling right in my footsteps baking, she even piped the icing on some... I think she did a great job! I was a little bummed when I read the weather report for this weekend (today in particular). It has been COLD and wet and nasty! I could have crawled up in the bed and stayed all day! I'm glad I didn't though b/c we had a great service at church. It always seems like when I feel this way, God just kicks me in the side and says " HA, gotcha!" Of course, not in a bad a good way! This may sound crazy, but I like to go to church in the rain. Something about's cleansing. Used to, I would make every excuse in the book NOT to go to church. It was raining, it was too cold..the weather was so pretty, I could go to the flea market,etc.. Sometimes I wish I could have those days back. I surely wasn't raised this way, we were there every time the doors were open. I'm so glad we found the church we go to feels like home. We've been active now for over 5's truly been a blessing. Greg and I both grew up in the same church and we still love our "home" church. Once we moved to Butner, we would still go back and forth to church in Durham. We loved that church but, we knew we needed to find somewhere closer to home. Madi was a baby and we slipped by the wayside...we would go on Sunday and then we began to start skipping Sunday' know...excuses..blah,blah,blah. At that point in our marriage, Greg and I were kind of on different pages too. A lot needed to change and praise God He got us back on track. See the problem was...we were trying to run the show ( FYI...that doesn't work). NEVER in my life would I have told you then that we would be excited about going to church...and I'm not just talking about 11am worship service...I'm talking about Sunday School and Wed.night too! Not just Madi...all three of us. We've had great influences and leaders along the way. Part of the process was weeding out people in our lives that were not......well helping the situation....not exactly the people we needed to be "hanging" out with. That was a difficult step...because we were trying to "ride the fence". We'll...that didn't work know...riding the fence part! We got over that hump and re-grouped and we are now. Yes...alot is in that fast forward part but I'll touch on those topics later down the road! We knew in our hearts what we needed to do and what we wanted for our family. I'm a firm believer in this verse: "Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not turn from it." You don't wait for your children to make that decision on their own. You plant the seed from the beginning. It all doesn't happen at church have to live it at home too. Children are sponges and trust me....they watch EVERY move you make. Greg and I are FAR from perfect, we will ALWAYS be a work a progress......and please don't think I'm pointing the finger at anyone....if anything, I'm pointing it at myself. This is so not the post I intended to write...evidently God had other plans :-) I watched some of the "Bible" series on the history channel last, it's soooo good. It's so real. It's one thing to hear a passage or story read in the bible, but to "watch" it.....I couldn't STOP watching. It was about the last supper and Judas betraying stopped at the part where he was arrested. It's so graphic that I'm hesitant to watch the crusifiction...maybe I need to? If any of you have "slacked off" from being active in church or maybe you never really ever were's not too late. Stop making excuses like I did, just get up and go. When you find the right fit for you, you'll know it. Don't go in thinking every thing's supposed to be perfect church is perfect...HELLO, we are all sinners. Just jump in and get active...get in a small group or go to Sunday school...that's where you build lasting friendships. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God led us to FBC in Butner. We have been through ALOT in those 5 years and the people of that church have just wrapped us in their LOVE and supported us and taken care of us...through SO much. I thank God for them all the time. I LOVE EASTER...everything about's my favorite holiday. I have to remind myself that it's NOT about the "Easter outfits" or the" eggs "or 'the cupcakes"or "the cute little bunnies" or "all the good food that I want to cook"... or me trying to make sure my house is "just right"'s about JESUS!'s about JESUS! Somebody who lived a perfect life, yet died such a cruel death so that we can be that WE can live eternally in heaven with him and our other loved ones that are there. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see my father in-law and my granny and my uncle again....I hope Marvin grills up something good and I hope granny cooks me some of her good ole' squash and onions I miss....Jeff, I just look forward to having a conversation with him...things I wish I would have asked or known about him BEFORE he died. That my friends is why you don't wait...don't wait for it to be 70 degrees and the sun shinning just right. Invite him in your life TODAY. As we enter this Easter season, I pray that we would ALL be reminded of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me... you..... EVERYONE of us. Let's prepare our hearts and minds for the up-coming week. Here are some pics for you to enjoy! Love,Kyla
The joys of being a parent....I LOVE the fact that the dog felt lead to come and give moral support as well! Have a FABULOUS week....Lots of fun stuff happening in the Fisher household this I'll be back soon for a post..... most exciting of all...MY KATIE BUG is coming to town!! I can hardly wait to see that little sweet tator and wrap my arms around her!
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