Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So my sister sends me a text today to let me know that it's been a week and I haven't posted! Ummm, we've been busy..kinda sorta!  Oh, I've had lots that I could've blogged about, but I promised my sweet husband that I would refrain!  He had a SHHHH..vasectomy small procedure done a week ago today. I went with him for moral support!  The doctor said he could drive himself there and back home, he would be fine...just no lifting for 7 days and no.....well.....ummmm.....relations for 7 days as well!  side note- I was kinda of doing the happy dance and almost slipped the doctor a $20 bill to ask him if we could make it 2 weeks..JUST KIDDING!!What was I saying?? I LOVE MY HUSBAND DEARLY and he was SOOO BRAVE!!  He really did great and i better stop talking about this before he gets his supportive underwear in a wad ( the one's he had to wear for 7 days!!!HAHAHA)  He did great and I am super thankful that i no longer have to worry about birth control...oh yeah! Yesterday was his first day back at work and I'm sure they all had lots of joke for him :-)  The one funny thing that I can tell is that neither one of us thought about telling Madi that daddy would be laid up for a few days taking it easy!  i needed to run by walmart ( go figure) after his appt so he went to pick up madi from school.  Greg told madi on the way home that he had surgery on his stomach!  When she got home, she said " why didn't you tell me daddy was having surgery today?" I was like...uhhh....I forgot?!?  I said it was a small procedure, he just had surgery on his private parts...she was like WHAT?!?  he said he had surgery on his stomach!!!  Oh my.  We all had a good laugh...Greg was concerned that she would put his private parts on the prayer list!!!  I did ask her one time to run downstairs and get daddy a bag of frozen peas for his ummmm...stomach!  Anywho...all is well in the fisher house! We gearing up for an exciting weekend...Easter Egg Hunt at church and guess who volunteered to make 100 cupcakes??  Yes, I know!! We'll have some pics from that event!  On another note, I read a funny blog post today...check this out, I thought it was super funny...and I TOTALLY FEEL like this sometimes! Here is the link:
That's a wrap folks....hope I didn't offend anyone!  I'll try to keep it more "G" rated next next!
Keepin it real-kyla

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