Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Week (Part 2)....

Well...I was a little bummed out tonight b/c I'm not feeling very well :-(  I have a sore throat that I am thinking is coming from allergies, but it hurt enough to keep me home from our Maundy Thursday service at church.  I love this service and I look forward to it every year.  We've been the past few years and there never seems to be that many people that attend....they TOTALLY don't know what they are missing! It's a very sacred service and we always have communion.  Last year, our pastor told a little bit about the last supper and each was very interesting. You leave the church in silence....very meaningful.  On a brighter note, I was passing by the Presbyterian Church and saw this.......I laughed out loud!
I LOVE this!!!  Please say a small prayer that I will wake up feeling like a new person b/c I am going to pick up my sweet Katie in the morning and I can hardly wait!  We have a weekend slap full of fun Easter-ish stuff...I am SOOO EXCITED!  I'll be back soon with some pics and I'm sure some funny stories....there's never a dull moment when Katie's around :-) Off to get some rest...I came upstairs a few minutes ago and this is what I found!  I guess me and the dog will go sleep somewhere else!  They look so comfy that I hate to move anybody....minus the fact that Madi still has her headband on....that doesn't look comfy....I think I'll remove it for her :-)  Good Night...I'm already dreaming of dying Easter eggs!  Hugs-Kyla

Monday, March 25, 2013

Holy week ( part 1)....

Saturday was the first  "Easter Egg Hunt" of the season.  This one was at our church and we had a great time!  Will was a little cranky b/c the egg hunt didn't start till 2pm...and of course he would NOT take a nap before!  It was somewhat my fault b/c we left home early to help set up the food and stuff.  Once it was time for the activities to begin, Will just wanted to crawl under the food table and hang-out there!  He got better once we went outside to hunt eggs and at first he was like what's all the fuss about and then he quickly caught on.  He found a sucker and after that he was done!  The cupcakes were enjoyed by all! Of course we had a fun time making them....Madi is falling right in my footsteps baking, she even piped the icing on some... I think she did a great job!  I was a little bummed when I read the weather report for this weekend (today in particular).  It has been COLD and wet and nasty!  I could have crawled up in the bed and stayed all day!  I'm glad I didn't though b/c we had a great service at church.  It always seems like when I feel this way, God just kicks me in the side and says " HA, gotcha!"  Of course, not in a bad a good way!  This may sound crazy, but I like to go to church in the rain.  Something about's cleansing. Used to, I would make every excuse in the book NOT to go to church.  It was raining, it was too cold..the weather was so pretty, I could go to the flea market,etc..  Sometimes I wish I could have those days back. I surely wasn't raised this way, we were there every time the doors were open.  I'm so glad we found the church we go to feels like home.  We've been active now for over 5's truly been a blessing.  Greg and I both grew up in the same church and we still love our "home" church.  Once we moved to Butner, we would still go back and forth to church in Durham.  We loved that church but, we knew we needed to find somewhere closer to home.  Madi was a baby and we slipped by the wayside...we would go on Sunday and then we began to start skipping Sunday' know...excuses..blah,blah,blah. At that point in our marriage, Greg and I were kind of on different pages too.  A lot needed to change and praise God He got us back on track. See the problem was...we were trying to run the show ( FYI...that doesn't work).  NEVER in my life would I have told you then that we would be excited about going to church...and I'm not just talking about 11am worship service...I'm talking about Sunday School and Wed.night too!  Not just Madi...all three of us.  We've had great influences and leaders along the way.  Part of the process was weeding out people in our lives that were not......well helping the situation....not exactly the people we needed to be "hanging" out with. That was a difficult step...because we were trying to "ride the fence".  We'll...that didn't work know...riding the fence part!  We got over that hump and re-grouped and we are now. Yes...alot is in that fast forward part but I'll touch on those topics later down the road! We knew in our hearts what we needed to do and what we wanted for our family.  I'm a firm believer in this verse: "Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not turn from it."  You don't wait for your children to make that decision on their own.  You plant the seed from the beginning. It all doesn't happen at church have to live it at home too. Children are sponges and trust me....they watch EVERY move you make.  Greg and I are FAR from perfect, we will ALWAYS be a work a progress......and please don't think I'm pointing the finger at anyone....if anything, I'm pointing it at myself. This is so not the post I intended to write...evidently God had other plans :-)  I watched some of the "Bible" series on the history channel last, it's soooo good.  It's so real.  It's one thing to hear a passage or story read in the bible, but to "watch" it.....I couldn't STOP watching.  It was about the last supper and Judas betraying stopped at the part where he was arrested.  It's so graphic that I'm hesitant to watch the crusifiction...maybe I need to? If any of you have "slacked off" from being active in church or maybe you never really ever were's not too late. Stop making excuses like I did, just get up and go.  When you find the right fit for you, you'll know it. Don't go in thinking every thing's supposed to be perfect church is perfect...HELLO, we are all sinners.  Just jump in and get active...get in a small group or go to Sunday school...that's where you build lasting friendships.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that God led us to FBC in Butner. We have been through ALOT in those 5 years and the people of that church have just wrapped us in their LOVE and supported us and taken care of us...through SO much.  I thank God for them all the time.  I LOVE EASTER...everything about's my favorite holiday. I have to remind myself that it's NOT about the "Easter outfits" or the" eggs "or 'the cupcakes"or "the cute little bunnies" or "all the good food that I want to cook"... or me trying to make sure my house is "just right"'s about JESUS!'s about JESUS! Somebody who lived a perfect life, yet died such a cruel death so that we can be that WE can live eternally in heaven with him and our other loved ones that are there.  I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see my father in-law and my granny and my uncle again....I hope Marvin grills up something good and I hope granny cooks me some of her good ole' squash and onions I miss....Jeff, I just look forward to having a conversation with him...things I wish I would have asked or known about him BEFORE he died.  That my friends is why you don't wait...don't wait for it to be 70 degrees and the sun shinning just right. Invite him in your life TODAY.  As we enter this Easter season, I pray that we would ALL be reminded of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me... you..... EVERYONE of us. Let's prepare our hearts and minds for the up-coming week.  Here are some pics for you to enjoy! Love,Kyla

The joys of being a parent....I LOVE the fact that the dog felt lead to come and give moral support as well!  Have a FABULOUS week....Lots of fun stuff happening in the Fisher household this I'll be back soon for a post..... most exciting of all...MY KATIE BUG is coming to town!!  I can hardly wait to see that little sweet tator and wrap my arms around her!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

brought to you by......

Here's something to keep you busy.  I ran across another funny......this will be SUPER funny if you have small kids.  Enjoy!  Ps- I think what's even more funny comical is that it's written by a man! I think I said funny too many times.  Here ya go:
Can't have anyone having withdrwals from the blog...I'll be back soon!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So my sister sends me a text today to let me know that it's been a week and I haven't posted! Ummm, we've been busy..kinda sorta!  Oh, I've had lots that I could've blogged about, but I promised my sweet husband that I would refrain!  He had a SHHHH..vasectomy small procedure done a week ago today. I went with him for moral support!  The doctor said he could drive himself there and back home, he would be fine...just no lifting for 7 days and no.....well.....ummmm.....relations for 7 days as well!  side note- I was kinda of doing the happy dance and almost slipped the doctor a $20 bill to ask him if we could make it 2 weeks..JUST KIDDING!!What was I saying?? I LOVE MY HUSBAND DEARLY and he was SOOO BRAVE!!  He really did great and i better stop talking about this before he gets his supportive underwear in a wad ( the one's he had to wear for 7 days!!!HAHAHA)  He did great and I am super thankful that i no longer have to worry about birth control...oh yeah! Yesterday was his first day back at work and I'm sure they all had lots of joke for him :-)  The one funny thing that I can tell is that neither one of us thought about telling Madi that daddy would be laid up for a few days taking it easy!  i needed to run by walmart ( go figure) after his appt so he went to pick up madi from school.  Greg told madi on the way home that he had surgery on his stomach!  When she got home, she said " why didn't you tell me daddy was having surgery today?" I was like...uhhh....I forgot?!?  I said it was a small procedure, he just had surgery on his private parts...she was like WHAT?!?  he said he had surgery on his stomach!!!  Oh my.  We all had a good laugh...Greg was concerned that she would put his private parts on the prayer list!!!  I did ask her one time to run downstairs and get daddy a bag of frozen peas for his ummmm...stomach!  Anywho...all is well in the fisher house! We gearing up for an exciting weekend...Easter Egg Hunt at church and guess who volunteered to make 100 cupcakes??  Yes, I know!! We'll have some pics from that event!  On another note, I read a funny blog post today...check this out, I thought it was super funny...and I TOTALLY FEEL like this sometimes! Here is the link:
That's a wrap folks....hope I didn't offend anyone!  I'll try to keep it more "G" rated next next!
Keepin it real-kyla

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Don't cry over spilt SYRUP!!

Oh MY...there is NEVER a dull moment with Will!  Last night while I was trying to cook dinner, Will decided to climb into the pantry, grab a BRAND NEW bottle of syrup and throw it on the floor.  It busted and went every wear! By the look on his face, I think he was proud of his efforts!  I knew he was in the pantry, but I didn't know he had pushed a chair over for help.  The bottom shelf is stuff OK for Will to get.....I guess it got boring?!?!  I didn't even know where to begin,  I can't just take a mop to it.  I had to wet hot rags and keep wiping......and wiping.....and wiping some more.  If you need a CLEAN kitchen floor, I'll supply the syrup and Will!

After we got that mess cleaned up, I had to get out of the house and get some fresh air!  We took a walk b/c the weather has been gorgeous!  Then it was time for baths and off to bed.  We are trying to crack down on Will sleeping in his own room ( that's a long story for another day ) anywho...we have a baby gate up at the door so he can't escape.  Last night the crying went on and on and he was just hanging over the gate SCREAMING.  He totally knows how to work the system.....he began to scream Madi's name and next thing I know, this is what I find!  He is SO ROTTEN.  There is NO hope for him ever being normal! I moved him off of her and they both slept like babies!  Sweet dreams!

Monday, March 11, 2013

who's yo daddy( I mean mama!!)?!?!..........

Every time I post, I'm thinking, "wow Kyla, you should try to post a little more often." It hasn't happened yet!  Sorry for the delay! This past week, we have all been a little under the weather.  Greg started it, then I got it, then Madi...and we followed up with Will this weekend.  We like to share the LOVE around here! No kidding......EVERY TIME I plan to do something by myself, somebody gets sick. About ~6weeks ago,  a friend mentioned to me about taking a concealed carry all ladies class at that! So guess what, I signed up and the class was Saturday! Thanks Cecily for the recommendation and getting us to go! What made it more fun is that several of my girlfriends went too! When I signed up, I was like....ummm...I'm not sure if this is for me and to be quite honest, I was nervous.  The only reason I didn't chicken out is b/c I knew my friends were going too! I think Greg might of taken me out once when we were dating to shoot his shotgun..but that's it...I've never shot a handgun. The extent of my shooting capabilities goes about as far as shooting a bb gun with Madi...I even know how to load and cock that thing all by myself! LOL!! I think up until last Tuesday I was trying to mentally block the fact that I was going to be taking this class on Tuesday.  Greg had been after me to make a decision about purchasing a handgun and "I wasn't ready" me, we looked everywhere and I've held more guns that I've ever wanted.  The gun I really wanted, you can't find it ANYWHERE so I finally settled on a Taurus slim 9mm.  Greg went and picked it up on Tuesday...I guess I'm still in denial b/c I'm thinking to myself " I'm not shooting that thing".  Then he says " put your coat on..were going to shoot this gun"  and I'm like " oh,crap...ahhhhhhh!!"  I don't know what was shaking harder, my hands or my knees!  I did it though and overcame my fear.  I think I was worried that it would hurt my baby hand and kick back too hard!  Saturday rolled around and I made it to class at 9am( all my friends showed and I even knew some other peeps in the class too!)  It was a rather large class, but it went very smooth.  The instructor was super funny and he really made the day go by fast.  The first time I even looked at my watch, it was 1pm! I couldn't believe it!  We soon left to go to the " shooting range" and the nerves kicked in again!  Luckily, I was in the "2nd" group so I didn't have to shoot first.  It did calm me down to watch the others so I would know what to expect.  I did well and qualified!  When I went to take down my little target sheet, I was like "Yeah, who's yo mama!!"...that's till I saw my friend Vanessa's who was next to me.  Let me just say Vanessa is the "mama" cause she did great...I think all her shots were on target.  Don't get in her way, cause she can shoot you!! HA!  We then went back to the class and took our test....then we got our certificates and we were on our way..we left at 6pm.  It really was a fun day and I felt like when I left there that I could easily shoot someone breaking in my house w/o injuring myself! I hope I'm never in that situation, but better to be prepared! So now that I've passed, I've got to go and get finger printed and all that good stuff so I can get my permit....then I'll officially be a "gun toting mama!!"  Kudos to Greg who took care of our sick baby Will all day on Saturday by himself! I felt bad for not being there, but I really think it ended up being good for both of them! :-)  Madi hung out ( got spoiled rotten) with my Aunt Twy, Cousin Lizzy and Mimi.  They hit up the tanger outlets in Mebane to have a "girls day" and celebrate Lizzy's B-day!   Sunday was low key, we stayed home from church to make sure Will was feeling better.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous and so by the afternoon, we had to get out and get some fresh air.  I needed to get a few things from whole foods so we decided to walk around the block ( 9th street) before grocery shopping.  It did us all some good and we actually landed upon this cute little "soda" shop on 9th street where the kids enjoyed an old fashioned chocolate milkshake. Madi said it was awesome!  As I was loading the groceries in the car I was like "oh no, I forgot to buy french toast sticks in the freezer section".  Will had a meltdown in whole foods and I just made a mad dash for the checkout.  My mom was with us and she was like I knew that there was either a pterodactyl in the store or Will was she found her way to the front too so we could leave! Hence the reason I forgot the french toast sticks.  Mimi had a bright idea for me to "make my own' so we stopped by another fav store "kings red and white" and picked up some challah bread to make french toast.  Just so you don't embarrass yourself like I did, it's pronounced "holla" gangsta style "holla in the fisher house"  not CHA-LA!!  I took a few pics below and I think it turned out rather well!  I'll include a few quick directions below if anyone wants to try it!  So...that's a wrap on our weekend.  On to another busy week! I'll leave you with a clip of today's devotion from "Jesus Calling by Sarah Young"  I love this book ..thanks to Twy!
March 11th:  Walk by Faith, NOT by sight. As you take steps of faith, depending on Me, I will show you how much I can do for you.  Check out these verses: 2 Corinthians 5:7 & Galatians 5:25  Enjoy!
 Here's the deal with the french toast:  Get you some "HOLLA" bread and slice it pretty thick.  Take a 9x13 dish and whisk together 4 eggs, 3/4 cup milk ,1 or 2 tsp vanilla; cinnamon & nutmeg to taste.  Get your pan hot with a little butter then reduce heat to medium.  Dip bread in mixture ( both sides) and transfer to hot pan.  Brown on both sides and put on a baking sheet.  Eat immediately or cool to room temperature and place pan directly in your freezer ( do not cover bread)  This is called flash freezing.  Keep in freezer until bread is just frozen.  Take out of freezer and place in gallon freezer bag.  Doing this flash freeze step prevents your toast from sticking together in the bag.....  now you can pull a single piece out and place in the toaster and it will taste just like you made it fresh.  It's so good topped with a little whipped cream and some fresh strawberries.  My kids LOVE it!  Thanks to Mimi for the more bought frozen french toast sticks!

 Not quite sure why I decided to take a pic of my fridge??  It always looks like a HOT mess..notice 3 different sippy cups..on different shelf's?!?!  Oh yeah and notice the dukes mayo in the fridge door and on a how do we get 2 things opened at the same time???

My friend Maria looks like a PRO...another gun toting MAMA!!

Practicing my aim!

                                                  Yeah...who's you MAMA!!!!
                                                random photo...look at Buddy's tongue!

                                                      Yes, I'll take one of each!

Just a few funnies!


Enjoy your week! Hugs-Kyla

Monday, March 4, 2013

That little thing called LIFE...

Hmmmm......LIFE.  Can I just say it's hard sometimes!?!?  Yes...I heard all those AMENS!!  This past week was a doozy!  We almost have the house back in order after all the painting and we are slowly but surely getting pictures hung back on the walls, it's a chore!  My dining room looked like a tornado had hit for about 2 weeks.  I have taken ZERO pictures because quite frankly, when have I had time?? I promise to post some pics of the "new" living room soon! It's amazing how much paint by itself makes all the difference in the world.  I can't believe we have lived in our house for almost 10 years with white walls.  Greg and I like color and "funky' things and to think we waited this long to paint is beyond me!  Now, all the bedrooms have color, it was just the downstairs that was lacking our special touch!  We truly are totally blessed b/c the only furniture that we have purchased is our headboard, Will's crib, and recently a new end table and lamp...everything else has been passed down to us. We had bought a few pictures and mirror, here and there, but they were not placed on the walls till now. It finally feels like the way we had 'invisioned" it all along.  Now let me add a little disclosure..once we finally finish the bonus room..all the toys will reside in there and NOT in the living room!  So back to our crazy week, it seemed like Madi had lots of homework, there was dance..oh and dance pictures, and a "pre-recital" meeting, etc..  I took gymnastics growing up, I didn't do the dance thing and all this stuff is new to me.  Let me just say..some of these mama's are SERIOUS about hair and makeup!!  I thought I was going to fall out of my chair when someone mentioned all of their "tools or supplies" in a kaboodle!! Come on you know what I'm talking about ,right?? The tackle box for makeup....  You had one didn't you, that's why you're laughing!!  I'm thinking "oh, my...some mama keep her kaboodle for her daughter...isn't that special!!"  I bet it's monogrammed and all "bedazzled" up!!   I'll have to "update" you after the recital! So back to the whole "life" stuff...without going into detail we just had a bit of a rough week.  Something didn't quite go the way we had planned and many times things don't go the way "I" or "we" think they should.....and that's probably a good thing.  All week, I just keep repeating this bible verse over and over in my head " Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10. I couldn't get it out of my head. Everywhere I turned, it just kept coming back.  When I tried to bargain with God, when I tried to get mad, when I cried and pouted, when I get the point.  You see, I'm a bit type A and somewhat of a control freak ( yes, I said it) and I just don't like it when things don't go my way...but I'm learning that God has a much better plan and it's a good thing that I don't know every detail.  It makes me rely on HIM more and more. The sooner I learn that HE is in control and I'm not, the better off I'll be.  God was trying to tell me to slow down and listen " be still"...I think I was waiting for him to pull out the duck tape and tie me down!! Just kidding! Seriously,  I learned a hard lesson this week, but it's made me a stronger person and probably a better wife and mama too :-) All the "drama" has had me a bit tired, but you know what God took care of "it". I'm simply going to ask you to pray for our family  (OK you worry warts..everythings A-OK)  Just pray that we would keep our focus on GOD and that we would let him guide us through this thing called...LIFE.  I'll be praying for you too!  Be Still- Kyla