I know, I know!! Where does the time go? Life is busy and I LOVE it! We are wrapping up school projects and gearing up for vacation! This past weekend did not disappoint, as we had lots of things going on! I took the day off Friday to help out at Madi's school with Field Day. I had been wishing for warmer weather and well be careful what you wish for...it was HOT! They had the usual games along with a bounce house, snow cones, nachos, and popcorn! I think Madi had 9 snow cones...they were a huge hit! Greg was with us too and by the time we got home that afternoon, we were exhausted...I think the heat got to us! Madi was invited to a birthday party/sleepover that evening and Greg and I had plans to go out with my dad and step mom for our 10th Anniversary!! Yes, 10 YEARS!! I can't believe it! Greg and I dated forever before we got married so it seems like I've been with him forever! We've had good days and bad days...like everybody else! We've been through alot, we've grown and there is no one else in this world that I'd rather spend my life with. I LOVE him more now than the day we got married....and I didn't think that was possible! No one told me how much work a marriage takes or if they did it went in one ear and out the other :-) Like my grandma told me once: Marriage is alot of give and take; it's more fun to take than to give!! I hope one day we are like a sweet elderly couple I saw walking around at Madi's field day holding hands ( this was my friend Liz's grandparents) they were so cute!! So, we dropped Madi off at the party and went out to a nice dinner at
Metro 8 steakhouse in Durham. It was WONDERFUL and I highly recommend. Everything was good! We thought about taking pictures of our food AFTER our plates were empty!! We did manage to snap a few photos of us though! We had SO much fun talking with my dad and Sandra...we hardly ever get "adult" conversation and dinner together!! It was great!! We had reservations for 6:45 and the next time I looked down at my watch, it was around 9:15!! I couldn't believe it! Thanks Dad and Sandra for a WONDERFUL evening!! Saturday was kind of low key, Will wasn't feeling on top of the world and Madi was TIRED from being up all night at the sleepover! We just hung out and went out to eat for an early dinner at another one of my favs
Toreros! The fish taco's are ridiculously good! We came home and hit the hay early to gear up for Mother's day! My sweet Madi woke me up to breakfast in bed!! It was amazing! She fixed me my favorite: toast with mascarpone cheese topped with fresh berries and drizzled with honey! YOU MUST TRY THIS! I snapped a picture after Will and I had eaten half of it! In fact I think Will thought it was his birthday!! He keep saying "bite, bite"! and "ohhh"!! It was very funny! Sunday we went to church and then had lunch at my dad and Sandra's. My mom came as well as my grandparents, aunts, cousins,etc.. It was great seeing everyone! We then hosted Greg's mom, step dad, GG, and uncle over for dinner that evening! I cheated and fixed a Costco lasagna with salad and threw a pan of brownies in the oven while everyone was eating! Needless to say we were pooped that night! It was a great weekend! Madi has 8 days left of school and then we're off the the beach for a week! I can hardly wait! So that's a wrap, We had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNIVERSARY,MOTHER'S DAY fun filled time!! Enjoy your week!! Till next time-Kyla
Ps-Sorry for the photo quality...all of these were taken on my phone!

the only picture I could get of me and Will!

my sweet girl!

I look TIRED!!

Madi and her Grandma!


Will and my grandad!

My sweet Mama!!

My Dad (Mike), Step mom (Sandra), Greg and I!
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
-- Confucius
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