Thursday, April 18, 2013

Where is HE calling YOU?

I rarely watch the news( or any TV for that matter), but for some reason I've had it on this week?  We've all heard about the Boston tragedy and I turn the news on this morning and learn about the plant explosion in TX.  My heart goes out to all people who are facing difficult times.  Madi came home the other day from school and told me they prayed for the people in Boston and I said " that was very sweet" and I left it at that...she didn't ask any questions and I really didn't feel like talking about it.  Being a parent is hard.  I have learned that most of the time if I let her guide and ask questions on her own about world events that occur, then I don't end up saying too much.  I want my children to feel safe in this crazy as it is.  On the way to school this morning, we were listening to KLOVE and they mentioned the explosion in Texas.  Madi said " that's sad mom".  I agreed and she brought up Boston again.  I simply said " Madi, I don't know why bad things happen sometimes but I can tell you that good always seems to come out of something bad that happens." I went on to tell her that I heard that 3 people had lost their lives in Boston and over 100 injured, but that over 300 people gave their lives to Christ that day...right there in Boston.  Many volunteers, emergency workers and by-standers rushed in to help.  Churches opened their doors through-out the night to assist and many homeowners took in strangers.  Good can come out of Bad. Madi has such a sweet spirit about her and she has a Love to help others.  Last night at church, our latest "Haiti team" reported on their recent trip.  It was very touching and Madi and I talked about that too.  She had tears rolling down her face talking about the people of Haiti.  I knew she was listening last night, but I had no clue that a little 9 year old girl truly FELT their hurt and pain. One of the ladies in the Haiti group was sharing that they had all their supplies laid out one day.  They had toys and flip-flops and medicine,etc..  Most kids in America would go straight for the toys...not one single Haitian kid wanted a toy.  They wanted a pair of shoes, FLIP-FLOPS! Madi couldn't fathom not having shoes as she has probably 4 or 5 pairs of flip-flops sitting in her closet right now, not to mention tennis shoes, boots,etc..  Boy is this mama ever so proud of her desire and passion to help others.  We all want to teach our children certain things, but I hope I can always instill in my kids the LOVE of CHRIST. We can all share the LOVE. In part of the Haiti report, different one's went on to say how much those sweet Haitians had touched their lives.....You go over thinking that you are going to touch their lives and share Christ with them( and you do), but they end up blessing you ten fold.  We are blessed beyond measure in America as many of them don't even have their basic needs met. Join me in praying for this country and for the people of Boston and Texas. May we always have a heart for those that are less fortunate than we are. I am a firm believer that God gives us all special talents and abilities to use for HIS purpose.  Do you have to travel to Haiti or to a foreign country? NO.  Can you help right in your small town, America?  Sure you can.  It's all about where God leads you and what he places on YOUR heart.   What is HE calling you to do?
God, my heart is so full today.  Full Joy and full of pain.  I hurt for those that are hurting and I just pray that you would touch them all in a special way.  Let them feel YOUR presence today in their lives.  Let them feel LOVE, PEACE and HOPE that only YOU can provide.  I pray for whoever might be reading this..that you would touch them too.  God, we all have trails and tribulations that we face, but it's SO much easier to face these problems when we have you on our side.  Give us the strength and resources to go out and fulfill your great commission as you have commanded us to do.  May we always seek to please you and bring others to know that un-ending love that you offer to us so freely. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight.  I thank you for all the good that has come out of tragedy this week.  AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Kyla! Angela gave me a 'mini-presentation' while I was at home about their trip and I loved seeing all the pictures. Wish I could've been there for the real one!
