Just to warn you before you start reading, I almost labeled this post the"Griswold/Fisher Family Vacay" b/c things didn't get off to a good start! Usually ( being the key word) Greg and I are good about getting things packed and getting out the door by our "targeted' time. We had planned to leave at noon on Friday b/c Madi only had a 1/2 day of school. We left at 1:30 the first time and headed into Butner to get Gas before we hit the road. I realized that I had no sippy cups for Will and had left our Meds that we needed. When we stopped at the Gas station Greg asked me to get him a ginger ale and tums?!?! He said he was fine! I bought a cheese stick for myself and after the first bite, I'm thinking "Do they sell spicy cheese sticks?" I look at the sell by date and it was out a month ago!! Disgusting! We head back home AGAIN to pick up our stuff and finally hit the road around 2:10. We dropped the dog off in Wallace and kept right on...till we hit Wilmington!
This is the traffic we encountered! Everybody was hungry so after sitting in traffic for about 30 minutes we finally made it to a place where we could cut off and find a restaurant. No worries, we had entertainment for those 30 minutes b/c my sweet mother aka Mimi decided to hand the kids "mini" recorders that she purchased at target..she said she couldn't resist b/c they were so cute!! Let me just say that 30 minutes felt like and ETERNITY and I seriously contemplated walking on the side of the road for a bit!
Greg spotted this cute restaurant called the "Shuckin Shack" and it did not disappoint! We were seated in this cool booth seat next to a huge window where the kids could look out...it was great! The food was awesome! I would highly recommend! Will was waving at some police officers walking by and they came back by to bring him a badge and some stickers...I thought that was so nice! Things got better after we ate....got back on the road and made in to the beach in a whopping 7 hours. What should have taken 3 hours at most! We did make a 1-2 hour pit stop at walmart too...cause you know we don't have any of those around here!!!
This child LOVES some crab legs! She ate a whole pound by herself!
According to my husband, no trip to Myrtle Beach is complete without a visit to Bass Pro Shops...I have to admit that I've grown to love it too! Here is how you spend 2 hours in the store with kids. First, you let Mimi and Will nap for the first hour in the car. Mimi then calls cell phone to tell us they're awake. We go and get them from the car and immediately head to the fish tank. We watch fish for 30 minutes. The last 30 minutes you give them some candy and quickly look at whatever else you want!
Another one of our favorites
and another favorite......
All in all, we had a great weekend. I have to say it was the coldest it's ever been when we have visited the beach! We shopped, ate, relaxed and just had a some good ole' family time! I thought we had packed light, but the looks of the van tells a different story..this was packing up to come back home! Oh yeah..I forgot to mention that we woke up to SNOW Sunday morning! I was the first one up and I thought I was seeing stuff! I immediately went and told everybody...they all jumped out of bed to come and take a look. I think Greg forgot my mom was with us b/c he walked to the porch with his Boxers on...Mom was like "you think Greg forgot he just has underwear on?!?!" We all had a good laugh! Love my husband!!

I'll be back tomorrow for a special-FUR post!
Wow, spilled syrup! Talk about a "big chunk" off the block! He's just like his Grandpa (and Daddy, and Uncle Vance)