Well, I took a break...like a really long one! The main reason I started this blog was so the kids could look back and really have a "baby book" so to speak....even though I started this after they were "babies"; I mean they will always be my babies! It's fun. I like to go back and look at old posts too! This also gives me an outlet to express my thoughts and feelings. I found that writing really helps me, it's therapeutic! So, life got a little bumpy there for a while and that's probably the biggest reason I didn't blog. Some things you don't mind sharing and others not so much. I do feel it's important to express that's things aren't always "peachy"...but I think most people know that. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in looking at "other" things and people on the Internet and it seems like they have it all figured out. You know what I'm talking bout. You never catch a glimpse of the kids sporting the Christmas jammies in May or eating gummy snacks for breakfast because hey lets face it, you just didn't feel like taking on that battle at 6:30 in the morning. The mini van or SUV is sparkly clean and there seems to be no chicken nuggets growing out of the car seat like mine! The children are nestled in there beds at 8:00 sharp and no sounds of a dying cat screaming "MOMMMMYYY" are coming from the straight out of pottery barn,no toys on the floor, freshly vacuumed carpeted room! Know what I'm saying!?? So while sometimes things might "look" perfect or really close to it, trust me..it's NOT! None of us are perfect and you know what, it's OK!! So my point was to say that.... somethings I want to talk about and other things I'd rather keep private. Maybe one day I'll have a really long story to tell, now is just not the time! Just know that I do my best to keep it real and I can assure you that I could probably hook you up with a complete happy meal from my mini van right now, but of course you wouldn't want to eat it ;-)
SO...what have we been doing! Well, I started a new job and I LOVE IT!! If you have to work, you might as well like what you do, right?!! I've been traveling quite a bit, but that has slowed down and I'm glad as it was rough at first. ON a side note, many people think that flying and staying in hotels is glamorous, I'm here to tell you it's not! Nothing is glamorous about it and I could probably write a whole post or two or three on traveling alone!! Funny stuff....one day soon, I promise! I couldn't ask for a better job and it keeps me on my toes every single day...never a dull moment! The time passes by SO FAST. I truly feel blessed. The kids are doing well, we are totally ready for summer! Madi just had her dance recital last weekend and that was fun! They are both growing so fast and I try to enjoy every minute. People keep telling me that these days/years happen fast and they truly do. It's hard to believe Madi's already 10 and soon to be entering MIDDLE SCHOOL...eek!! It's seems like she should still be Will's age! Madi is super sweet and such a big help with Will. I LOVE having a girly girl, my pocket book on the other hand does NOT!! HA! I'm sure I really have NO clue yet! Can I just say that 5th grade is now what 8th grade looked like to me?!! BOYS, drama,etc.OH MY!. Again..another post! Will is just WILL...WILD!! He is rotten and that's really all I know to say! We could eat him with a spoon! It's a good thing he's cute! He make us laugh ALL the time! He is obsessed with the frozen soundtrack and some days( like every time I get in the car with Will) I could choke myself for buying it...in fact I hear it SO much that I could probably sing the WHOLE thing for you. No, that's not true. Why you ask?? Because Will only wants to hear the first song..OVER AND OVER AND OVER. I've even gone as far as plotting out in my head how something could happen to the CD and we couldn't replace it,etc..I know, I'm terrible! Every now and then we hear "do you wanna build a snowman,,," and "let it go"...then it's right back to good ole' number 1. I think it might be the beat he likes...the rough and toughness!! I was away for a girls only trip this weekend and I caught myself singing it! Luckily no one heard me! What's that saying...you can take the girl out of the mini van, but you can't take the mini van out of the girl!!?? Something like that! Speaking of girls weekend.....I HAD SO MUCH FUN!!! I went to Women of JOY at Myrtle Beach with a group from church. I'm gonna be totally honest here, K! I signed up because I heard how good it was but my heart really wasn't into it. So I did what any good girl would do...I took a friend with me...which happened to be my beautiful sister Mallory! If I had my guess, I bet her heart wasn't into going either, but she didn't want to disappoint her big sis who had talked up this Great event that she didn't really want to go to in the first place...following me?!! it was FABULOUS and yes, we BOTH will be going back next year! AND YES, all of you out there reading should go too, I may just sign you up!! Go ahead and google it...you know you want to! Women of JOY! WONDERFUL. We had the pleasure of hearing Chris Tomlin Saturday night ( and this may of been the only reason I followed through and went to the conference) and he DID NOT disappoint!! The concert was great and we danced so much that I felt like I could justify eating a Krispy Kreme donut afterwards....awesome!! In all seriousness, it was a wonderful weekend and GOD really spoke to me..especially yesterday at the closing when Jennifer Rothschild spoke. it was a simple message she spoke about. Lay your hands out in front of you in a fist position.Yes...go head and do this! One finger at a time, I want you to raise one finger for every word I tell you to say out load, OK. here we go.. I-CAN-DO-ALL-THINGS-THROUGH-CHRIST-WHO-STRENGTHENS-ME!! Now, your hands are open....LORD, here I am, I CAN serve you, what is it that you have laid out for me to do....Yes Lord, I CAN clean out that chicken nugget infested mini van, yes LORD, I can get on my toddlers level and discipline him/her with LOVE, yes LORD, I can reassure that toddler ( aka: screaming/dying CAT) that's it's OK to sleep in his/her bed, yes LORD, I can bite my tongue when I really want to take my husbands head off, yes LORD, I can take time to call and check on a friend who might need a pick me up, yes LORD, I can pray and KNOW that you WILL give me the strength to take on ANY task you lay before me...and I can do it ANXIETY free. WHY/HOW?? Because you tell us in the bible that you will never leave or forsake us, to trust in you with all our hearts...don't lean on our own understanding..just acknowledge you and you'll take care of the rest. Remember....I-CAN-DO-ALL-THINGS-THROUGH-CHRIST-WHO-STRENGTHENS-ME. Blessings and Hugs-Kyla
PS- after the conference was done, I met up with the hubby and kids who went to a wedding at MB too! We got to enjoy a few hours on the beach before heading home :-( When Will woke up this morning, He said...NO, I want to be at the beach!! Yes son, me too! No worries, we'll be back soon!
yes, that's Chris Tomlin in the background!!! |
Outside of another favorite...the sea captains house! |
Because of terrible traffic, we( Mal and I) didn't make it to the Friday night session. We pulled into MB at a little after 8pm and headed straight to Abuelo's! If you've never had their avacado cream, you haven't lived yet! It's like guacamole mixed with sour cream...OH MY!! |
the back of the bus is trouble!! |
Congrats to our friends Scott and Joy and their 4 kiddos!! |
By the way, the water was FREEZING!! |